


Microneedling services offered in Bellmore, NY

Microneedling can transform your skin to appear healthier, less damaged, and more youthful. At Micari Aesthetics in Bellmore, New York, their team provides microneedling services for the skin and scalp, including hair restoration treatments. Call Micari Aesthetics or schedule a consultation online to find out if microneedling aligns with your goals today. 

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a treatment that uses a collection of very fine needles to shallowly penetrate your skin. Microneedling can improve your skin’s health and appearance when using it on your face, chest, hands, and other areas. You can also apply it to your scalp for increased hair growth. 

How does microneedling improve my skin?

Microneedling improves your skin by promoting the growth of a protein called collagen. Collagen keeps your skin firm and taut, but you lose some of it as you age. This leads to wrinkles, scars, and sagging. 

Collagen takes time to develop after a microneedling treatment, so the results aren’t visible immediately. However, over time, you’ll see fewer:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Scars
  • Large pores
  • Uneven tones
  • Stretch marks

You can consult with the team at Micari Aesthetics about the areas of skin you want to target and the frequency of your treatments. They can also help you decide if you want to get standard microneedling. 

How does microneedling promote hair growth?

Aside from collagen stimulation, microneedling has a few other abilities, too. One of them is increasing hair growth in areas where your hair is thinning or falling out. While it’s not an effective treatment for every type of hair loss, microneedling can stimulate dormant hair follicles to promote hair restoration. 

Microneedling may also increase hair growth by bringing more blood circulation to the targeted area to nourish your follicles. 

Call Micari Aesthetics or schedule an appointment online to learn how microneedling can enhance your appearance today.